Protect your income, secure your future! Income protection can pay you a regular monthly benefit of up to 70% of your income when you need it the most!
Your livelihood is more than just a paycheck – it's the foundation of your financial well-being and the key to providing for yourself and your loved ones. But life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can disrupt your ability to earn an income. That's why Income Protection Insurance is so vital.
It's a powerful tool that can ensure your financial stability remains intact. With comprehensive coverage tailored to your needs, you can create peace of mind and build a level of protection against the uncertainties of illness, injury, or disability.
Protect Your Income: Income Protection replaces a portion of your income if you're unable to work due to illness, injury, or disability. It ensures that you can maintain your standard of living and cover essential expenses while focusing on your recovery.
Financial Stability: With Income Protection, you won't have to worry about how to make ends meet if unexpected circumstances prevent you from earning a living. It provides a safety net, allowing you to support yourself and your loved ones even during periods of uncertainty.
Cover Daily Expenses: From mortgage payments to utility bills and groceries, Income Protection Insurance helps cover your everyday expenses. You can have peace of mind knowing that your financial obligations are taken care of, giving you the freedom to focus on your well-being and recovery.
Flexibility and Customisation: Income Protection offers flexible coverage options tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.
Safeguard your income and your financial stability by taking the steps to ensure your business and personal obligations are met, even if you're unable to work.
Start protecting your family's financial future and set yourself up to provide for their needs, including education, mortgage payments, and other expenses, should the unexpected occur.
As a self-employed individual, your income is often directly tied to your ability to work. Income Protection offers scalable protection in case of illness or injury that affects your ability to earn an income.
This means you can protect “future you” against a number of risks to your income, while also enjoying tax benefits along the way.
Explore the benefits of Income Protection with Vie Finance & Insurance. Our experienced team will work with you to customise your own coverage, empowering you with the knowledge, confidence, and security you deserve.
Vie Personal Insurance Pty Ltd (CAR 1309024) is an Authorised Representatives of Wealth Today Pty Ltd ABN 62 133 393 263, AFSL 340289, Level 5, 95 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000.
General Advice Warning: As an Authorised Representative of Wealth Today, Vie Finance & Insurance is authorised to give General Advice only. We are unable to take into account any of your financial information. You will need to decide on the level of cover you require, and whether the product is suitable for your objectives, financial situation or needs. If you require any further information before making your decision, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).